Channel: TheJhakanakaProject
Category: Entertainment
Tags: desi familyfamily during lockdowntypes of people quarantineasim reaztypes of browntypes of desishehnaazfunny videoraba khanlockdownbangla natokbig bossraba funnyrabajhakanaka projectraba khan funnyjoint familycomedyfunny natoksiddharth shuklaraba songshehnaaz gillbrown familyfriends lockdownraba mashupsidnaazdesibangla dramaquarantinebangladeshbangla funnycorona virus
Description: Finally a NEW video! Types of family membrs during quarantine - can you relate? I've lived in a joint family for while so I guessed this is probably how a quarantine setting would look like! Hope you guys like it! Enjoy 10% Cashback up to BDT 40, You can download MyAirtel App from here: Play store: App Store Link: Contact - Email : Raba's links : Snapchat - Jhakanakaraba